Installation To Install Project Manager V2, create a new directory on your hard drive, the name is unimportant, but don't put anything but the included files in it. Unzip all included files into it. Move the following files to this directory: 1./Pmgr3x.exe - the executable where x is either 2 or 1 depending on version 2./System.MDA - the SystemDB file 3./Vbprojx.MDB - the database where x is either 2 or 1 depending on version 4./Pmgr3.hlp - the helpfile These files must all be in the same directory for the program to work. The System.MDA file supplied must be used as it contains the information on security required to access the database file. We recommend you put the following files in the program directory as well: 5./*.VBX - program VBX's 6./*.LIC - licence files for VBX's It is suggested you install all the VBX's in the same directory as the program, that way it will not overwrite your systems' VBX's, which are likely different versions and probably incompatible with these. Read the Helpfile "Install" topic for more details. Read the Helpfile topic "Project Manager Overview" before using the program. Correction to Helpfile: The Error Logging procedure now uses a locally declared constant in each procedure to hold the procedure name. Previous, it used a global variable which was declared in the error.bas module. This global variable is no longer used. This improves accuracy in reporting which procedure generated the error.